2023 Discussion Prompt 1 Use the survey data you collected last week to answer the following discussion question

Nursing 2023 Statistic

Discussion Prompt 1 Use the survey data you collected last week to answer the following discussion question 2023 Assignment

  • Discussion Prompt 1

Use the survey data you collected last week to answer the following discussion question. Make a basic hypothesis about your data. For example, I hypothesize that the average survey respondent spends at least two hours on social media each day. This hypothesis test should test a mean. Use the statistical techniques learned this week to test your hypothesis and explain your results. Were your results surprising?Why or why not? Make sure you show all 6 steps of the process.

  • Discussion Prompt 2

Read “How Statistics Can Help Save Failing Hearts” on p. 410 in your book.  It mentions a very interesting website ,https://www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare/search.html? , which allows people to compare the results seen at different hospitals across things such as patient experience and timely and effective care. Visit the website and compare the hospitals in your local area. What statistics stand out to you? Do you believe that these statistics should/could play a role in patient care?

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