2023 Fill the M5 table This week for your Module 5 FINAL Critical Thinking Research Critique

Nursing 2023 Critical Thinking/Research Critique- Final

Fill the M5 table This week for your Module 5 FINAL Critical Thinking Research Critique 2023 Assignment

Fill the M5 table:

 This week, for your Module 5 FINAL Critical Thinking/Research Critique Assignment, you will must  complete answers on the final Module 5 section by merging all of your final revisions for a complete paper WITHOUT the REFERENCE LIST.  The Reference List will be submitted as a separate Assignment (See Module 5 Reference List Assignment).  

DUE DATE:  BEFORE 8am on Friday, of Module 5.  this FINAL assignment submission is a Safe Assign Assignment, that will report your FINAL Similarity Index score.  Please read ALL of the following assignment directions BEFORE completing and submitting your FINAL Module 5 Critical Thinking AssignmentWITHOUT your Reference List. The References will be submitted to a separate dropbox and do not submit your list to SafeAssign. his FINAL score that must meet the course requirement of 45 % or less.  


Important information to help you with the Module 5 Critical Thinking Assignment: in preparing your final paper, please note each of the following points:


  • The M5 Answer Sheet has the questions, page numbers, directions removed to allow for lower originality scores when your final paper is submitted. Only use the provided worksheet for your final submission. 
  • -Answers to ALL previous worksheet questions for ALL previous sections of the Critical Thinking Assignment must be included in the final paper (See note below for exception).
  • -Questions 4b and 6c have a N/A designation. For these 2 questions only, you will NOT resubmit correct answers on the Module 5 papers.  Students will NOT be penalized for missing answers for these 2 questions only.
  • -Do NOT include the “stems” for the questions.
  • Previously accepted answers may need to be expanded or improved to reflect the additional knowledge you gained over the past few weeks. Each group/team is responsible to correct and refine their answers, applying information from:
  • -the selected research article,
  • -course content, readings, and presentations for ALL course modules,
  • -the standard research review criteria.
  • -guidance and feedback from course instructors
  • APA expectations/deductions will apply to the Final Module 5 Critical thinking paper and Reference List.
  • Before making your final revisions and BEFORE submitting your final paper, obtain a DRAFT “originality score and report

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