2023 Hello everyone my name is Rajwinder Gill I go by Raj I m originally

Nursing 2023 post bibli Gill

Hello everyone my name is Rajwinder Gill I go by Raj I m originally 2023 Assignment


Hello everyone, my name is Rajwinder Gill, I go by Raj. I’m originally from India. I moved to the states with my parents when I was 21 years old. Currently, I live in California. I moved to US in Dec 1999, and got my RN degree in 2003. I joined Sutter Hospital as a new grad in 2004, and have been working there since then. I work in telemetry department as a night shift charge nurse. I like the hospital, my coworkers and the management team. It feels like home while I’m at work, that’s the main reason I haven’t changed my job in 15 years.

I’m married to a very loving and supportive husband, and we have two beautiful girls. They are 11 and 13. We love traveling as a family and try to spend as much time together as possible. That’s one of the main reasons I work night shift so I can attend to all their needs and wants during the day. One of my daughter is type 1 diabetic since she was 3 years old. I have been trying my best to manage all of that while working and supporting my other daughter. Now, since she is 11 and getting independent in taking care of her diabetes, I have more time for myself. I always wanted to go into management or teaching in nursing. This is my first step towards my future goals. I chose GCU so I can have the independence of studying from home. Nothing can beat not having to go the classroom and still be able to finish school.

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