2023 hi dear can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on

Nursing 2023 Preparedness & Disaster Mgmt

hi dear can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on 2023 Assignment

 hi dear,

can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

Please follow the instructor carefully. There are 4 Discussions ,your response to classmates should be at least one paragraph for each Discussion, address the discussion topic or question, be respectful, and add to the discussion. You may draw upon personal experience, course or scholarly references, citing appropriately. Restating the primary response, or agreeing or disagreeing without supporting statements will result in a lower grade. 

In reference to including a paragraph for both primary and peer responses, 4-5 sentences constitute a paragraph.

 Discussion one, 

  How do you approach risk assessment in a hospital?

Risk Assessments are challenging is a hospital environment because there are exposures to a multitude of environments and situations. Hospitals adopt an Incident Command Systems that are specific for their hospital and healthcare situation. The security structures fall under the Incident Command System and included a variety of support staff. Each of the organizations will have to discuss risks and identify a comprehensive risk assessment. Approaching the risk assessment means to rapidly recognize the potential incident escalating into a more severe situation that can jeopardize patient and staff safety (P. 278). Preparing a team is the first step. This will allow for direct communication and promote diversity within the demographics of the hospital’s location. The team from there will identify resource organizations and security staff to manage the risks assigned. 

 Discussion two, 

  Risk assessment creates a way for hospitals identify and manage patient’s safety risks. The goal of risk assessment in a hospital is to limit or eliminate as much patient risk as possible. There are stages for a hospital risk team to follow for proper risk assessment, they are; identifying the hazards, evaluating the associated risks, controlling the risks & re-evaluating. These stages are extremely important when documenting risk assessment and trying to eliminate risks. When risks to a patient are noticed/detected, they need to be reported so they can be documented and assessed. Once assessed preventative measures should be put in place so it doesn’t reoccur. Feedback from patients is also important, sometimes they see more than hospital staff would see. It is important for a hospital to have feedback forms for patients to fill out in case of an at risk moment is noticed and that information goes through the proper chain of command.

  Discussion three, 

  In settings such as a hospital or medical clinic, the public eye would assume that these particular communities are one of the safest buildings to be in during a disaster and you would think nonetheless that it will also have the minimalist in crimes. However, during disasters such as the terrorist attacks in the fall of 2001 to the earthquake in Haiti in early 2010 these mass casualties have caused hospitals to become victims as well and are known to consume their resources and be reduced in providing care to patients. In addition, many other forces have their own security tasks to assure and assess their own individual vulnerabilities, threats, and risks upon identification, which is why nearly every town has a police force. These forces will be of use to any situation they are to come across in the area and to evaluate how to care for these incidents (Reilly, 2011 p 276).  Therefore, by discussing the hospitals security and defense it will be of necessary use in protecting  the physical infrastructure within the medical setting and allows healthcare facilities to continue to provide the resources for patient care and delivery (Reilly, 2011 p 272).

 Discussion Four, 

  Hospital security is important to protect those treating the patients and the patients themselves. People feel safe in a hospital when an incident occurs, and it is very important to maintain the safety level in a hospital to ensure no harm comes to their patients. Almost every town has a police force, and this is crucial to keep their citizens safe, without it, the incidence rates in both the town and hospitals are fairly high. Hospitals need to put risk assessments in place along with active protocols to ensure everyone under their care is safe and sound. In truth, anyone can enter a hospital and make the place unsafe. That is why the book emphasizes on hospital safety and protection, to prevent more incidents from happening (Moran, 2011). 


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