2023 Hi dear can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time

Nursing 2023 Public Health And Sexuality

Hi dear can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time 2023 Assignment

  Hi dear,

can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?

answer one of the discussion questions in well-developed paragraphs.   Use citations from reputable sources (for example, our textbook).  Grammar and spelling are taken into consideration when grading. Answer this question as if you are writing a mini paper, with a clear introduction, conclusion and supporting evidence.  This an academic writing space for you to demonstrate that you have read the weekly chapters, understood the question.  This should be 2-3 substantial paragraphs that reflect key ideas from the week. Include citations at the end from journal articles, our book, or other scholastic sources. 

Pick Topic 1 or 2 for your discussion:

Topic 1

  • Describe the major obstacles to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) people in obtaining adequate health care.
    • To help answer this question, be sure to read Chapter 13 from your textbook
    • Please be thorough with your response and be sure to back up all information with reputable sources

Topic 2

  • Recognizing that all individuals are unique, what are some basic “conditions for good sex” developed by Zilbergeld? 
    • To help answer this question, be sure to read Chapter 14 in your textbook.
    • Please be thorough with your response and be sure to back up all information with reputable sources.
  • Thanks,

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