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Hide Assignment Information Turnitin This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin Instructions Course Project Part 2 Instructional Unit 2023 Assignment

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Course Project—Part 2

Instructional Unit: Goals, Objectives, and the Teaching Plans

This week you will submit your instructional unit, which should include three lesson plans: one focused on patient education, one on family education, and one on staff development. Remember, your plans should demonstrate a logical approach to teaching, communicate what is to be taught and how, and outline how objectives are to be evaluated. Click here for a refresher on what each final lesson should include.

Building on the work that you started in Week 2, for all three groups of learners:

  • Write several broad instructional goals for the educational experience.
  • Write several behavioral objectives based on Bloom’s taxonomy.
  • Describe the lesson content.
  • Provide a sequence for teaching activities.
  • Describe instructional methods.
  • Indicate time allotted for each activity.
  • Identify and describe the instructional resources (materials, tools, etc.) and technology to be used.
  • Describe how the learning will be evaluated.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your response in a 6- to 7-page paper to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to use appropriate APA formatting.

Due DateMar 6, 2019 11:59 PMHide Rubrics

Rubric Name: NSG4028 Week 4 Project Rubric

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)11 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)13 pointsProficient (B Range)14 pointsExemplary (A Range)16 pointsListed two broad instructional goals for the educational experience for each of the three groups of learners.

Student did not submit assignment

Did not include instructional goals for the educational experience and/or did not include all learners.

Minimally listed broad instructional goals for the educational experience and included two of the three groups of learners.

Listed several broad instructional goals for the educational experience and included all learners. Goals could be more clearly stated.

Expertly stated several broad instructional goals for the educational experience and included all learners.

/ 16This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)11 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)13 pointsProficient (B Range)14 pointsExemplary (A Range)16 pointsListed learning objectives that addressed the cognitive capabilities of each of the three groups of learners.

Student did not submit assignment

Did not include learning objectives that addressed the cognitive capabilities of the learner and/or did not include all groups of learners.

Minimally listed learning objectives that addressed the cognitive capabilities of the learner and included two of the three groups of learners

Listed learning objectives that addressed the cognitive capabilities of the learner and included all learners. Objectives could be more clearly stated.

Expertly stated learning objectives that addressed the cognitive capabilities of the learner and included all learners.

/ 16This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)11 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)13 pointsProficient (B Range)14 pointsExemplary (A Range)16 pointsListed learning objectives that addressed the affective capabilities for each of the three groups of learners.

Student did not submit assignment

Did not include learning objectives that addressed the affective capabilities of the learner and/or did not include all learners.

Minimally listed learning objectives that addressed the affective capabilities of the learner and included two of the three groups of learners.

Listed learning objectives that addressed the affective capabilities of the learner and included all learners identified. Objectives could be more clearly stated.

Expertly stated learning objectives that addressed the affective capabilities of the learner and included all three groups of learners.

/ 16This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)11 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)13 pointsProficient (B Range)14 pointsExemplary (A Range)16 pointsListed learning objectives that addressed the psychomotor capabilities of each of the three groups of learners.

Student did not submit assignment

Did not include learning objectives that addressed the psychomotor capabilities of the learner and/or did not include all learners.

Minimally listed learning objectives that addressed the psychomotor capabilities of the learner and included two of the three groups of learners.

Listed learning objectives that addressed the psychomotor capabilities of the learner and included all learners. Objectives could be more clearly stated.

Expertly stated learning objectives that addressed the psychomotor capabilities of the learner and included all learners identified.

/ 16This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)8 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)9 pointsProficient (B Range)11 pointsExemplary (A Range)12 pointsProvided an appropriate description of the lesson content

Student did not submit assignment

Provided a description of the lesson contentbut was not clearly focused or coherent.

Minimally Provided an appropriate description of the lesson content.

Provided an appropriate description of the lesson content, but could be more detailed.

Provided a description of the lesson content that was appropriate, thorough, and detailed.

/ 12This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)8 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)9 pointsProficient (B Range)11 pointsExemplary (A Range)12 pointsProvided a sequence for teaching activities and time allotted for each activity.

Student did not submit assignment

Provided a sequence for teaching activities and time allotted for each activity but was not clearly focused or coherent.

Minimally provided a sequence for teaching activities and time allotted for each activity

Provided an appropriate sequence for teaching activities and time allotted for each activity, but could be more detailed.

Provided a thoroughly detailed sequence for teaching activities and time allotted for each activity.

/ 12This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)8 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)9 pointsProficient (B Range)11 pointsExemplary (A Range)12 pointsDescribed the instructional strategies

Student did not submit assignment

Description of the instructional strategies was not clearly focused or coherent.

Provided a minimal description of the instructional strategies.

Provided an acceptable description of the instructional strategies, but could be more detailed.

Thoroughly described the instructional strategies in detail.

/ 12This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)8 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)9 pointsProficient (B Range)11 pointsExemplary (A Range)12 pointsIdentified and described the instructional resources and technology

Student did not submit assignment

Identified and described the instructional resources and technology but was not focused or coherent.

Minimally identified and described the instructional resources and technology

Identified and described the instructional resources and technology but could be more detailed.

Identified and thoroughly described the instructional resources and technology in detail.

/ 12This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)11 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)13 pointsProficient (B Range)14 pointsExemplary (A Range)16 pointsProvided an evaluation methodology

Student did not submit assignment

Provided an evaluation methodology but was not clearly focused or coherent.

Provided an evaluation methodology with minimal information.

Provided an acceptable evaluation methodology but could be more detailed.

Thoroughly provided an evaluation methodology in detail.

/ 16This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)5 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)6 pointsProficient (B Range)7 pointsExemplary (A Range)8 pointsOrganization Introduction Thesis Transitions Conclusion

Student did not submit assignment

Introduction is limited or missing entirely.

The paper lacks a thesis statement.

Transitions are infrequent, illogical, or missing entirely.

Conclusion is limited or missing entirely. 

 Introduction is present but incomplete or underdeveloped.

The paper is loosely organized around a thesis that may have to be inferred.

Transitions are sporadic.

Conclusion is present, but incomplete or underdeveloped.

Introduction has a clear opening, provides background information, and states the topic.

The paper is organized around an arguable, clearly stated thesis statement.

Transitions are appropriate and help the flow of ideas.

Conclusion summarizes main argument and has a clear ending.

Introduction catches the reader’s attention, provides compelling and appropriate background info, and clearly states the topic.

The paper is well organized around an arguable, focused thesis.

Thoughtful transitions clearly show how ideas relate.

Conclusion leaves the reader with a sense of closure and provides concluding insights.

/ 8This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)8 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)9 pointsProficient (B Range)11 pointsExemplary (A Range)12 pointsUsage and Mechanics Grammar Spelling Sentence structure

Student did not submit assignment

Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure that severely interferes with readability and comprehension.

Errors in spelling and grammar exist that somewhat interfere with readability and/or comprehension.

Writing follows conventions of spelling and grammar throughout. Errors are infrequent and do not interfere with readability or comprehension.

The paper is basically error free in terms of mechanics. Grammar and mechanics help establish a clear idea and aid the reader in following the writer’s logic.

/ 12This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaNo Submission0 pointsEmerging (F through D Range)8 pointsSatisfactory (C Range)9 pointsProficient (B Range)11 pointsExemplary (A Range)12 pointsAPA Elements Attribution Paraphrasing Quotations

Student did not submit assignment

No attempt at APA format.

APA format is attempted to paraphrase, quote, and cite, but errors are significant.

Using APA format, accurately paraphrased, quoted, and cited in many spots throughout when appropriate or called for. Errors present are somewhat minor.

Using APA format, accurately paraphrased, quoted, and cited throughout the presentation when appropriate or called for. Only a few minor errors present.

/ 12Total/ 160

Overall Score

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