2023 I have all of these assignments that are due every week and go adding up to the big paper

Nursing 2023 Research Paper Needed in Parts

I have all of these assignments that are due every week and go adding up to the big paper 2023 Assignment

I have all of these assignments that are due every week and go adding up to the big paper that is due at the end. I was given the topic of Palliative Care/ End of life. I basically have to come up with a new study based on my topic playing the role of a psychiatrist. So pretty much the whole research has to be done from the viewpoint of a psychiatrist in palliative care/end of life. I am attaching the instructions and the rubric with examples. I need the 2 assignments before Saturday. The first one is just research but from journals and databases only. Must be APA and everything has to be cited correctly. The second one is basically the same but just making it in paragraph form. The documents attached will explain everything. Would appreciate any help thank you. 

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