2023 Identify a topic related to health care and leadership this will be the subject of your research paper due in

Nursing 2023 week 2 assignments

Identify a topic related to health care and leadership this will be the subject of your research paper due in 2023 Assignment

Identify a topic related to health care and leadership; this will be the subject of your research paper due in week 7. You will then be working to incorporate a leadership theory or approach discussed in this course and apply it to your leadership in healthcare topic in later weeks.  Make sure that your leadership in healthcare topic is neither too broad nor too narrow.

Consider some of the following general areas:

Leadership in:

  • Change management in health care
  • Technology in health care
  • Finance of health care
  • Conflict management in health care
  • Evidence-based protocols
  • Gender equality in the workplace
  • Health sector reform
  • Embedded safeguards to reduce injury and infection

Please note the above general areas must have a narrower focus in order to work well for a research paper. The list above is not exhaustive, but merely suggestions.

Identify a research area and then develop a thesis statement for your research paper. Ensure your topic is presented in descriptive detail and a clear plan for the research paper is identified. Submit a 1- to 2-page, double-spaced paper identifying your topic in descriptive detail, including a clear plan for your research and a thesis statement.

If you need help creating a thesis statement, view the resources below and or visit Writing Resources area under the Student Resources tab for further information.

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