2023 In a 1 to 2 page paper address the following Briefly describe how cognitive behavioral therapy CBT and rational emotive

Nursing 2023 Assignment 1: Cognitive Behavioral Theory Versus Rational Emotive Behavioral Theory

In a 1 to 2 page paper address the following Briefly describe how cognitive behavioral therapy CBT and rational emotive 2023 Assignment


In a 1- to 2-page paper, address the following:

Briefly describe how cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) are similar.

Explain at least three differences between CBT and REBT. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a mental health counselor.

Explain which version of cognitive behavioral therapy you might use with clients and why. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

Note: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/57.htm). All papers submitted must use this formatting.

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