2023 Incorporate challenges you would anticipate for the proposals in the write up below as well

Nursing 2023 Disparities and social determinants of health

Incorporate challenges you would anticipate for the proposals in the write up below as well 2023 Assignment

  Incorporate challenges you would anticipate for the proposals in the write up below, as well as arguments to overcome those challenges. Should be 200 to 400 words :


Access to healthcare is more than just the ability for one to receive care but also the way that they receive it (Shi & Singh, 2018). It is important as future providers to improve the quality of care we give to our patients without increasing cost. One public policy that could be implemented in order to improve the quality of care without increasing the cost is through programs established via the Affordable Care Act. This act was established in order to provide healthcare coverage to all including those who may not be able to afford it. However, this has come with many challenges when it comes to quality care as well as cost. Changes to the ACA are being looked at frequently especially within the Trump administration. One of the changes was recently brought to light through a new program that would allow states to offer patients more benefits while controlling costs and government spending (Galewitz & Pradhan, 2020). This would be an option for states and not required however it would allow them better control over spending and cost. This could also improve the quality of care that patients receive because it would be geared towards patients who have great medical needs rather than focusing on the poverty class that is frequently looked at within the ACA (Galewitz & Pradhan, 2020).

Another policy that could improve quality without increasing expense is through the plans established in the KFF comparison models. These are public plans in comparison to Medicare to offer the public options in additional to current sources of coverage private or public (Shi & Singh, 2019). A good example to help keep cost down but improve quality would be through the KFF comparison model, Single payer plan (Medicare for all) federal program. This plan provides comprehensive benefits for all US residents, tax financed with no premiums, replaces all private insurances, and eligibility is based on US residency (KFF, 2019). This plan could aide in the quality of care because it provides comprehensive benefits that could cover preventive medical visits and screenings. That is an important step to improving quality healthcare and life as well as decreasing cost (Shi & Singh, 2018). As we have looked at in previous discussions and lectures those who are uninsured and struggle are those that fall within the poverty class because of their risk for financial insecurity. By implementing these new changes to the ACA we could see more people getting quality care which could improve outcomes. However, there are still many changes that need to occur within the healthcare system and the ACA in order to insure that all Americans are receiving healthcare even if they cannot afford it. Research showed that many who are uninsured end up going into financial debt related to medical bills and those who specially may not be able to afford care just don’t seek it therefore end up in the hospital for illness that could have been prevented (Majerol, Newkirk, & Garfield, 2015). Although our hands are tied to an extent as healthcare providers we can do our best to treat our patients to the highest standard of quality care while the politic side of healthcare continues to change.

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