2023 Learning Materials Melnyk B M Fineout Overholt E 2015 Evidence based practice in nursing healthcare

Nursing 2023 power point

Learning Materials Melnyk B M Fineout Overholt E 2015 Evidence based practice in nursing healthcare 2023 Assignment

Learning Materials

  • Melnyk, B. M. & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2015). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (3rd ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health. ISBN: 978-1-4511-9094-6. Read Chapters 13 and 14.


Evidence-Based Practice Model and Change Model

Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least three (3) sources using APA citations throughout your presentation. Make sure to cite the sources using the APA writing style for the presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Identify an evidence based practice model and change model that has been defined in Chapters 13 and 14 of the textbook (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2015). Describe in detail how you would utilize the practice model and change model to implement an evidence-based practice change in your clinical practice environment, related to your research topic.

1.  Title Slide (1 slide)

2.  Objective Slide (1 slide)

3.  Identify an evidence-based practice model and change model that has been defined in Chapters 13 and 14 of the textbook (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2015). (2-3 slides).

4.  Describe in detail how you would utilize the practice model and change model to implement an evidence-based practice change in your clinical practice environment, related to your research topic. (6-8 slides)

5.  References (1 slide)

Assignment Expectations: 

Length: 8-14 slides
Structure: Include a title slide, objective slide, content slides, reference slide in APA format. Title/Objective/Reference slides do not count towards the minimum slide count for this assignment.
References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of three (3) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

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