2023 Negligence and Medical Malpractice View the assigned Healthcare Law LearnScape interactive episode

Nursing 2023 Resolving Disputes And Managing Risk

Negligence and Medical Malpractice View the assigned Healthcare Law LearnScape interactive episode 2023 Assignment

Negligence and Medical Malpractice

View the assigned Healthcare Law LearnScape interactive episode. You will be presented with a negligence case stemming from an incident in the hospital. You must interview staff members and work with the General Counsel to determine the hospital’s liability for negligence and medical malpractice.

 Prompt: Based on the information you gathered from the LearnScape video interviews, on your research, and on a biblical worldview, analyze this incident and write your recommendation to the Chief Counsel regarding negligence/malpractice liability. Directly address the 4 elements required to prove negligence:

  1. Duty to care
  2. Breach of duty
  3. Injury
  4. Causation (specifically foreseeability)

Title your thread “Liable” or “Not Liable” to reflect your conclusion.

1400 words atleast 6 peer reviewed sources in APA format.

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