2023 One function of lipid is to provide energy Glucose is our body s preferred energy source

Nursing 2023 How Big Is Your Protein Footprint? Does A Meat-rich Diet Have An Adverse Impact On Our Environment? Does It Contribute To Global Warming?

One function of lipid is to provide energy Glucose is our body s preferred energy source 2023 Assignment

One function of lipid is to provide energy. Glucose is our body’s preferred energy source, but fatty acids provide an alternative energy source when needed.

Protein is the third essential macro-nutrient. This forum explores in more depth lipid and protein.How big is your protein footprint?  Does a meat-rich diet have an adverse impact on our environment?  Does it contribute to global warming?You need to state your thesis and support it with evidence and at least one outside, reputable reference. Your textbook is not an outside reference. Remember, there is no right or wrong.  

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