2023 Pancreatic Cancer Written Research Project Guidelines Select a cancer either in the adult or pediatric

Nursing 2023 Pancreatic Cancer Written Research Project

Pancreatic Cancer Written Research Project Guidelines Select a cancer either in the adult or pediatric 2023 Assignment


Pancreatic Cancer

Written Research Project Guidelines:


Select a cancer either in the adult or pediatric   population to research( Pancreatic   Cancer ) You   will write a paper based on the rubric below. This assignment is an opportunity   for you to explore a particular cancer of interest to you. Its purpose is to   assess your understanding and demonstrate your practical application of the   pathophysiologic processes that occur in diseases. This comprehensive paper   will be 10 pages in length and should include the following components: 








Pathophysiology   of the disease



Description   of the clinical manifestations and assessments



Diagnostic   Studies/ Laboratories



Clinical   Management/ Treatment Modalities



Evaluation   of Treatments



Patient   Education and Safety (QSEN)



Choose one   case study related to the disease   process. Articles must be less than 5 years old, from a scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. 



APA format   (title page, headers, heading, in-text citations, reference page)





Specific writing requirements



  1. All paper submitted must be in APA format according to      Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th      ed.). 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5. Use precise APA format that includes correct punctuation,      spelling, sentence structures, and references. 
  2. Must include at least 5 peer-reviewed references,      including McCance, K. L., &      Huether, S, E. (2015). 7th ed and Publication Manual American Psychological      Association (APA) (6th ed.).


3. Type must be Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-spaced.


4. Use the spell check function on the computer (will help with #1).

5. Use a COVER page following APA guidelines 

6. Paper must be sent via email on due date. Papers will be submitted to Turn It In for evaluation of plagiarism. A similarity index of 20% or above will result in the paper receiving a failing grade.

7. Papers turned in past the due date will receive an automatic deduction of 10 points with the grade to start with a B (89).

If page numbers are limited, pages that exceed the limit will NOT be read and further points may be removed if critical content was included on the excess pages.

Must go through TURNIT IN

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