2023 Parent Teaching Project 5 A critical component of pediatric nursing is teaching parents how to

Nursing 2023 Lorem

Parent Teaching Project 5 A critical component of pediatric nursing is teaching parents how to 2023 Assignment


Parent Teaching Project (5%)

A critical component of pediatric nursing is teaching parents how to care for their child, particularly during an illness or after a procedure.  To develop this skill, the student will complete a parent teaching project. 

Students will be assigned a topic and developmental stage upon which to focus.  With that information, the student will need to determine what health education (AKA parent/patient teaching) needs to be conducted prior to this virtual patient being discharged.  The students will then role-play the teaching session, using a student chosen by the instructor as the “parent” and with the rest of the clinical group observing. 

The project must include:

  • A 1-page      attached document discussing the assessment of a parents’ readiness to      learn and barriers to learning
  • The      critical components of home care for the assigned topic
  • Developmentally      appropriate instruction-
    • The       teaching reflects the developmental level of the parent and patient.       (e.g., home care instructions for an infant should include the food       appropriate for an infant rather than a school aged child).
  • A      written handout that summarizes the “take home” points for the parent to      keep as a reference after the teaching session.
  • A      bibliography containing no fewer than three professional journal articles      with one being a pediatric specific article.  The articles must be      less than five years old.  Use of APA format for references is      expected.  
  • A      clear, creative, logical progression geared to a learner at an 8th      grade level

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