2023 PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOUR REFERENCES ZERO PLAGIARISM STATE MARYLAND In many states nurse practitioners are completely autonomous professionals

Nursing 2023 State Practice Agreements

PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOUR REFERENCES ZERO PLAGIARISM STATE MARYLAND In many states nurse practitioners are completely autonomous professionals 2023 Assignment





In many states, nurse practitioners are completely autonomous professionals. In other states, however, NPs have a wide range of “restrictive” practice ranging from requirements for a “supervising” physician to requirements for a “collaborative” agreement with a physician.

In this Practicum Journal Assignment, you will examine the requirements of your own state in order to prepare yourself for the realities of practice upon graduation.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze state PMHNP practice agreements
  • Analyze physician collaboration issues
  • Analyze barriers to PMHNP independent practice
  • Create plans for addressing state PMHNP practice issues

**Assigned in Week 9 and submitted in Week 10

To Prepare for this Practicum Journal:

  • Review practice agreements in your state.
  • Identify at least two physician collaboration issues in your state.

For this Practicum Journal:

  • Briefly describe the practice agreements for PMHNPs in your state.
  • Explain the two physician collaboration issues that you identified.
  • Explain what you think are the barriers to PMHNPs practicing independently in your state.
  • Outline a plan for how you might address PMHNP practice issues in your state.

No Assignment due this week. 

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