2023 Please go over the instructions in the instructions box image The attachment has

Nursing 2023 Discussion Post: Bone Health

Please go over the instructions in the instructions box image The attachment has 2023 Assignment

Please go over the instructions in the instructions box image. The attachment has all the instructions for this discussion. Carefully follow the instruction. 

Mrs. Law, a 77-year-old female, is at home recovering from a surgery that she had after falling and breaking her hip 5 days ago. She lives with her husband, Dean, who helps to care for her. Mrs. Law is a former smoker and has a past medical history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

You are the visiting nurse, assigned to check on her postoperative progress. You ask the client how she is feeling, do an assessment, and inquire as to what she has eaten over the past 24 hours. Mrs. Law states that she has “no pep,” no appetite, has been taking her pain medication as prescribed (every 4 hours—but not real helpful!), cannot sleep well, doesn’t feel much like walking except to the bathroom, and has been unable to move her bowels for several days.

  • Breakfast: Two glazed doughnuts, coffee (black)
  • Lunch: Tossed salad with oil and vinegar, diet soda
  • Dinner: Tomato soup, 1 cup; four soda crackers; and red homemade wine
  • Snack: Pretzels, diet soda

What nutrients that contribute to bone health are missing in Mrs. Law’s diet?

What other dietary concerns do you have?

Is Mrs. Law getting the appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals for her age and current condition? Why or why not? 

I only need one page paper. Citation and references from the book: Nutritional foundations and clinical application: a nursing approach. 

Thank you 

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