2023 Read and critically examine the article entitled Population Level Intervention Strategies and Examples for Obesity Prevention

Nursing 2023 due tonight before midnight eastern time

Read and critically examine the article entitled Population Level Intervention Strategies and Examples for Obesity Prevention 2023 Assignment


Read and critically examine the article entitled Population-Level Intervention Strategies and Examples for Obesity Prevention in Childre by Foltz et al (2012).  File is attached 

Answer ALL of the following questions in your post:

-Select and describe (in your own words) at least two of the intervention strategies outlined by the author that you think would work the best in your community. 

-Why did you pick those specific intervention strategies?

-What do you predict would be barriers to the two intervention strategies you selected?  Why?

-How could the use of technology such as novel electronic approaches, social media, etc. be implemented in the intervention strategies you selected? 

-How would you evaluate the success of the intervention strategies you selected? 

*one page essay

*must be in APA 

*use one more journal nursing article as a reference 

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