2023 Remember you have been named the Administrative Director at Happy Medical Center HMC and will be presenting your PPT to

Nursing 2023 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH – Powerpoint – Using APA citation guidelines

Remember you have been named the Administrative Director at Happy Medical Center HMC and will be presenting your PPT to 2023 Assignment

Remember, you have been named the Administrative Director at  Happy Medical Center (HMC) and will be presenting your PPT to the Board of Directors at HMC for approval. HMC is restructuring to meet the current needs of their consumers. 

There are several roles in a health care organization. Often, interdisciplinary teams are created to brainstorm or make important decisions. The key is to develop a team that will interact with one another effectively and being diverse views to the forefront. 

Part 1: 

We have discussed several types of departments/roles in health care organization, (e.g., inpatient, outpatient, clinical, non-clinical, etc.)  For your Module 4 assignment you are to create an interdisciplinary team of 5 or 6 six individuals that will discuss and development an action plan for the restructuring of HMC. In 5 or 6 additional slides, you are to explain to the board the following: 

  1. Explain the importance of interdisciplinary teams
  2. Identify 5 or 6 individuals (titles of roles) and corresponding departments (i.e. Title: Inpatient Admission Director; Department: Inpatient) that you recommend to be a part of an interdisciplinary team to assist with the restructuring of HMC. 
  3. Justify why these select individuals will be beneficial part of the team. 

Part 2: 

To conclude your PPT to the board of directors, you are to develop a new Vision and Mission of HMC. Your Vision and Mission should support or be interrelated with the selected 5 (five) of the pillars of success from Module 3.

At this point (with the continuation of slides from Module 1, 2, and 3 assignments), your total presentation should be at least 20-25 slides (not including the title and reference slide). Speaker notes are required.

Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your responses.

  1. Limit your response to a maximum of 25 slides (not including the title or reference slides).
  2. Support your assignment with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 1-2 references. Use the following source for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.

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