2023 Respond to your colleagues by offering one or more additional mitigation strategies or further

Nursing 2023 Response #1

Respond to your colleagues by offering one or more additional mitigation strategies or further 2023 Assignment


Respond to your colleagues by offering one or more additional mitigation strategies or further insight into your colleagues’ assessment of big data opportunities and risks.

At least 2 references in each peer responses! 


The first potential benefit of using big data as part of a clinical system is improving the quality and accuracy of clinical decisions (Wang, Kung, & Byrd, 2018). Nurses are continually faced with decisions that will impact patients’ lives (Bjork & Hamilton, 2011). Big data can result in significant changes in healthcare, and it is essential to ensure improved patient outcomes.

Second, a potential challenge or risk of using big data as part of a clinical system is that data can only measure so much. There are many things data can’t measure, such as the commitment of nurses or the follow-through of education given to patients after discharge (Thew, 2016). This results in having to advocate for these things based on passion and experiences rather than having data to back you up (Thew, 2016). This can be frustrating for nurses due to the amount of commitment, education, and sacrifices made in this profession. 

In my experiences, I have seen that there is a lot of data related to Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) exacerbation prevention while in the hospital. We also educate patients diligently to ensure they understand to weigh themselves daily, take breaks, wear their oxygen, and limit salt intake. If a patient is re-admitted with a CHF exacerbation after discharge, that looks bad on the hospital and nursing staff. There is no way to measure how excellent education was given to this patient or what was done when they were at home. This is an example of how nurses’ commitment or quality care cannot be measured.

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