2023 Select one of the following chronic diseases or conditions that you would like to know more

Nursing 2023 one page essay due tomorrow by 4 pm eastern time

Select one of the following chronic diseases or conditions that you would like to know more 2023 Assignment


Select one of the following chronic diseases or conditions that you would like to know more about. 

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Cardiovascular Disease

Congestive Heart Failure



Identify and discuss:

-The individual and population effects of the chronic disease/condition.

-At least 3 strategies for health promotion interventions related to the chronic disease/condition you selected.

-The roles of the community health nurse, the primary care physician/provider, and other appropriate healthcare providers and how collaboration would look in the care of the community with this chronic disease/condition.

Must be in APA and Must include at least 2 nursing journal articles 

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