2023 Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics Write an essay addressing

Nursing 2023 Social Media And The Modern Impact Of Informatics

Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics Write an essay addressing 2023 Assignment

Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics

Write an essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each numbered item. There should be three sections, one for each item number below, as well as the introduction (heading is the title of the essay) and conclusion paragraphs. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) scholarly citations using APA citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

  1. Most people remember the story below that made national headlines. As most Americans have smartphones, tablets, and computers, the utilization of social media is commonplace.
    1. Finley, T. (2017, Sept. 20). Navy hospital removes staffers for calling babies ‘mini Satan’s’ on social media. Parenting.
      1. If you were writing a hospital policy on smartphone and social media usage, what should be included in the policy?
      2. What potential ethical and legal liabilities are there for the hospital and employees in the case presented above?
  2. In 2017, Harvard University rescinded admission to 10 students after reviewing their social media posts.
    1. Do you feel potential employers, current employers, and colleges have the right to access your social media post? Do you feel employers and universities should make decisions based on your post?
  3. Discuss the relationship between accreditation decisions, reimbursement, quality of care, informatics.

1500 words total for this assignment.

Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.

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