2023 Submit Milestone One of your final project your topic proposal Identify your topic How does it relate to a

Nursing 2023 40-1

Submit Milestone One of your final project your topic proposal Identify your topic How does it relate to a 2023 Assignment

Submit Milestone One of your final project, your topic proposal.

Identify your topic. How does it relate to a nursing problem or issue in clinical practice? Please find one or two research articles that addresses your topic.

  • Explain your interest and purpose. Why did you choose this topic?
  • Explore the background and significance. What do you hope to gain by researching this topic?
  • Analyze the relationship between research and evidence-based practice. How will your research on this topic contribute to evidence-based nursing practice?
  • Incorporate one or more peer-reviewed sources to support the proposal

For additional details, please refer to and follow the MILESTONE ONE GUIDELINE AND RUBRIC FOR further instructions carefully!

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