2023 The Industrial Areas Foundation of Saul Alinsky has been referred to numerously

Nursing 2023 The Application Of The Saul Alinsky Approach

The Industrial Areas Foundation of Saul Alinsky has been referred to numerously 2023 Assignment

 The Industrial Areas Foundation of Saul Alinsky has been referred to numerously in community organization.  Review the Saul Alinsky, Community Organizing and Rules for Radicals (Links to an external site.) article, research the roots of this method, and then discuss its application of “the ends justify the means” in today’s economy.  Address whether this theory is still applicable.  Why or why not?  Under what circumstances?  Provide a specific example to illustrate your perspective.  Prepare a two- to- three page paper (excluding title and reference pages) with a minimum of two scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last five years, in APA format. 

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