2023 The purpose of this assignment is 1 apply concepts of anatomy physiology and pathophysiology to

Nursing 2023 Article Review

The purpose of this assignment is 1 apply concepts of anatomy physiology and pathophysiology to 2023 Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is 1) apply concepts of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology to a current article; 2) share relevant literature with peers and instructors.  

  1. Title: Title should include the topic the post will be discussing.
  2. Summary: Clear written description of the article’s key points or summary of the ideas. This should be summarized in 1-2 paragraphs.
  3. Relation to course objectives:      Summarize normal physiological processes, following by the pathophysiologic concepts that relate to the article topic in an organized and detailed manner. Examples: If I summarized an article on CRISPR/Cas9      technology, I might explain DNA structure and RNA replication and genetic disturbance such as muscular dystrophy, which could be impacted by this technology.      If I summarized an article on heart failure treatment, I might explain the      neuro-hormones involved in fluid volume balance, the RAAS,      catecholamines. Please see the rubric, I expect to see things discussed at a cellular and systems level.
  4. Impact for Provider/APN:      Describe how this knowledge will relate your ability to care for your future patients and your practice.
  5. Writing Style/APA: Article should be cited in APA format at the end of the post. Writing should be clear, well organized, with proper grammar and sentence structure. 

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