2023 the purpose of this paper is to address the following clinical scenario with the use of your textbook external credible

Nursing 2023 Discussion

the purpose of this paper is to address the following clinical scenario with the use of your textbook external credible 2023 Assignment



the purpose of this paper is to address the following clinical scenario with the use of your textbook, external credible literature, and/or reliable electronic sources. Use the guide below to draft your paper and review the rubric to ensure you have met the assignment criteria. The expected length of the paper is 4-5 pages, which does not include the cover page and reference page(s).

Lisa Anderson, a 22 y.o., Caucasian single parent, is referred for genetic counseling by her pediatric Nurse Practitioner. She has a 3-year-old boy with developmental delay and small joint hyperextensibility. The pediatric Nurse Practitioner has diagnosed fragile X-associated mental retardation. She is currently pregnant with her second child at 14 weeks of gestation. The family history is unremarkable. 

Please use the following headings/subheadings as a guide to draft your paper:

  1. Introduction (including a brief      purpose statement)
  2. Identify the genetic mutation      responsible for fragile X-associated mental retardation.
  3. Describe and discuss how it      causes the clinical syndrome of developmental delay, joint      hyperextensibility, large testes, and facial abnormalities.
  4. Identify which parent is the      probable carrier of the genetic mutation?
  5. Explain why this parent and the      grandparents are phenotypically unaffected.
  6. Discuss the likelihood that the      unborn child will be affected?

VII. Conclusion

In regard to APA format, please use the following as a guide:

  • Include a cover page and      running head (this is not part of the 4–5-page limit)
  • Include transitions in your      paper (i.e., headings or subheadings)
  • Use in-text references      throughout the paper
  • Use double space, 12-point      Times New Roman font
  • Spelling, grammar, and      organization are appropriate
  • Include a reference list (this      is not part of the 4–5-page limit)
  • Attempt to use primary sources      only. That said, you may cite reliable electronic sources (i.e., ANA)

· Assignment 1 Rubric



60 Points

55 Points

50  Points

40 Points

Earned Points


Content: Application   & Analysis

Responds correctly and/or appropriately to   all questions and criteria. Content is excellent.

Demonstrates a high level of critical   thinking, shows significant insight or creative thought about the topic, and   does not merely recite the text/resources. Uses concepts and terminology   correctly.  Detail rich and specific.

Responds correctly and/or appropriately to   all questions and criteria. Content is good.

Demonstrates some critical thinking   throughout the paper and may also show some insight or creative thinking   about the topic. Mostly uses concepts and terminology correctly (1-2 issues).   Minor detail inconsistencies (1-2).

Responds correctly and/or appropriately to   at least one question OR if only one question, partially responds to   question. Does not address all criteria. Content is minimal.

Demonstrates at least one critical thinking   skill in the paper.  Attempts to use concepts and terminology correctly.    Several detail inconsistencies (3-5).

Paper is unclear and does not address the   questions and/or criteria. Content does not meet requirements. Many   inconsistencies and conflicting information (6+).




20 Points

16 Points

14 Points

12 Points

Earned Points


Quality: Supporting   Research & Sources

All work is accurately cited (where   applicable) and appropriately supports content with research, text,   multimedia, and/or other resources.  References are relevant and enhance   the topic.

Most of the work is accurately cited (where   applicable) and adequately supports content with research, text, and/or   resources.  One issue with reference or use of one inappropriate   reference.  References are relevant to the topic.

2-3 issues with references, including the   use of inappropriate references to support content. May fail to provide   references to support content.  1-2 references are not relevant to the   topic and/or distract from the topic at hand.

4 or more issues with references, including   the use of inappropriate references to support content OR failure to include   references (where applicable).  No supporting references are used OR   they are used but 3+ references are not relevant to the topic.




10 Points

8 Points

7 Points

6 Points

Earned Points



Paper is well-organized. Ideas are clear and   arranged logically. Transitions are smooth, no flaws in logic.

Paper is organized. Ideas are usually clear   and arranged in an acceptable sequence (1-2 issues). Transitions are usually   smooth (1-2 issues), good support.

Paper lacks organization. There are many   problems with the approach (3-5 issues with organization). Some difficulty   understanding ideas.  Issues with support and transitions (3-5).

Paper is poorly organized and difficult to   understand. Many issues with support and transitions (6+). Ideas are arranged   illogically and do not make sense.



Accuracy & Basic   Writing Mechanics

Error-free, including APA formatting,   reflecting clear understanding of various forms of expression and careful   editing.

Very few (less than 3) errors in spelling,   grammar, syntax, and/or punctuation. Very few (less than 3) issues with APA   formatting. Occasional poor choice of word.

4-5 errors in spelling, grammar, syntax,   and/or punctuation. 4-5 issues with APA Formatting. Writing may be difficult   to understand at times.

More than 5 errors in spelling, grammar,   syntax, and/or punctuation.  Many (6+ issues with APA formatting.    Writing is difficult to understand in many instances.



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