2023 This is a 2 part post both parts are required Part 1 Although you will not be implementing your

Nursing 2023 Discussion post due 6/3/18 by 6 pm

This is a 2 part post both parts are required Part 1 Although you will not be implementing your 2023 Assignment

This is a 2-part post; both parts are required.  

Part 1: Although you will not be implementing your project in this course, it is vital to appreciate all of the barriers you might encounter with implementation of an EBP project. Choose two of the following articles (your choice).

Implementing evidence (Gallagher-Ford,et. al., 2011).pdf  

Sustaining Evidence (Melnyk et. al., 2011).pdf  

Share several things you learn from the assigned article, and then relate that learning to your project.  

My project will be about Proper use of layers of linen resulting in reduction of skin breakdown in acute care setting. 

Part 2:  Listen to The Tipping Point lecture (23:18 minutes)    https://app.ilosvideos.com/view/RHN8PcZPnWxe 

Read the lecture handout Tipping Point.pdf  

In terms of possible future implementation of your project, apply one of the Tipping Point Principles in describing the methodology of your capstone project (discuss either The Law of the Few, The Stickiness Factor, or The Power of Context). 

[You need citations for each journal article.] 

(Please use citation below for Tipping Point Lecture/video) Gladwell, M. (2015). 

The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference. Retrieved from https://app.ilosvideos.com/view/RHN8PcZPnWxe (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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