2023 Type of paperResearch Proposal SubjectHealthcare Number of pages15 Format of citationAPA Number of cited resources15 Type of serviceRewriting I have

Nursing 2023 Order 932343: Does exercise and fitness affect cognitive health

Type of paperResearch Proposal SubjectHealthcare Number of pages15 Format of citationAPA Number of cited resources15 Type of serviceRewriting I have 2023 Assignment


  • Type of paperResearch Proposal
  • SubjectHealthcare
  • Number of pages15
  • Format of citationAPA
  • Number of cited resources15
  • Type of serviceRewriting

I have posted what I have thus far. Its is not all correct and needs to be rewritten. I post the draft and the grading rubic that has what is required to be on my paper. I have already found 6 articles but I do need 9 more I have to have 15 articles in total. The 15 pages cannot include the reference page and/or title page.

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1-page abstract 

An abstract is a paragraph (150-300 words) that summarizes the main aspects of the paper in a prescribed sequence that includes 1) the overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you investigated; 2) the basic design of the study; 3) major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis; and, 4) a brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions.

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