2023 Unit 2 Assignment EHR Certification Release of Information Course outcome addressed in this Assignment HI510 1 Given access to

Nursing 2023 The interaction between regulation and health influences the daily operations of healthcare providers.

Unit 2 Assignment EHR Certification Release of Information Course outcome addressed in this Assignment HI510 1 Given access to 2023 Assignment


Unit 2 Assignment: EHR Certification & Release of Information

Course outcome addressed in this Assignment:

· HI510-1: Given access to a health information system, evaluate whether it meets Meaningful Use, including goals, components, criteria, certification, attestation, and MU program outcomes.


The field of health information is subject to many laws, regulations, requirements, and standards. The interaction between regulation and health influences the daily operations of healthcare providers. Sharing data between two separate organizations can be a delicate balance between the patient and organizations. Knowing the regulations that govern health information and the release of information is imperative. Failing to adhere to and think about the rules and regulations when forming decisions and policy can expose the organization and provider to unwarranted risk. In this Assignment, you will review select two EMR systems and review them for compliance with Meaningful Use and EMR certification requirements. You will also review release of information requirements.


Select two EMR systems from the list below.

· OpenMRS

· VistA

· FreeMED

· OpenEMR

· One Touch EMR

· Solismed

Assignment Requirements

Create a 5–6-page document that addresses the following:

1. Provide an introduction of the two systems that have been selected for comparison. In your comparison discuss the features offered by each system.

2. Discuss meaningful use (MU) and its phases.

3. Do the systems that you have selected meet MU requirements? Discuss whether the system is compliant with MU program outcomes and certification including:


· Goals, components, criteria, certification, and MU program outcomes.

· Medicare MU program requirements

· Medicaid MU program requirements

4. Discuss how MU has improved data quality.

5. Discuss release of medical information and how MU law applies.

Conduct research to answer the discussion points and questions and be sure to fully describe and support your answers and cite sources when necessary. This is a fact-based Assignment that should not include unsupported opinion.


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