2023 Write a 250 to 300 word journal entry identified as Journal Entry 2 in which you do

Nursing 2023 Practicum journal Entry

Write a 250 to 300 word journal entry identified as Journal Entry 2 in which you do 2023 Assignment

Write a 250- to 300-word journal entry (identified as Journal Entry 2) in which you do the following:

  • Describe a problem, issue, or situation that you have observed during your Practicum Experience (no more than a half page).
  • Using no fewer than three peer-reviewed sources of evidence, analyze what you have observed within the context of your specialty using appropriate concepts, principles, and theories. Give special attention to observed events that vary from scholarly literature.
  • Explain how the problem, situation, or issue was handled in a manner that is consistent and a manner that is inconsistent with the theory, concepts, and principles detailed in the evidence.
  • Given the various evidence-based approaches that can be used in handling the problem, situation, or issue, formulate a plan for approaching the matter differently.
  • Include references immediately following the content.
  • Use APA style for your journal entry and references.

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