2023 Write a paper 1800 words that describes how borrowed theory can be applied to the identified problem The

Nursing 2023 Borrowed Theory

Write a paper 1800 words that describes how borrowed theory can be applied to the identified problem The 2023 Assignment


Write a paper (1800 words) that describes how borrowed theory can be applied to the identified problem(The identified problem is nursing shortage). The paper should include the following:

  1. A brief summary of the problem including the potential middle-range theory that could be applied. (NOTE THE MIDDLE RANGE THEORY THAT WAS APPLIED TO THE PROBLEM OF NURSING SHORTAGE IN THE PREVIOUS PAPER WAS JEAN WATSON’S THEORY).
  2. A description of a borrowed theory that could be applied to the problem. Is this borrowed theory appropriate to your identified problem?
  3. A brief history of the borrowed theory’s origins.
  4. A discussion of how the borrowed theory has been previously applied.
  5. A discussion of the application of the borrowed theory to the identified problem. How would your practice change by incorporating this theory?
  6. A discussion of how application of both the borrowed theory and the middle-range theory can be integrated to create the most appropriate solution to the identified problem.


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