2023 You are expected to develop a plan that describes the steps for

Nursing 2023 week 3: Plan for Implementation

You are expected to develop a plan that describes the steps for 2023 Assignment


You are expected to develop a plan that describes the steps for the proposed implementation. Please review the readings, sample paper, and grading rubric for guidance. Use the EBP Project Proposal Template and insert module writing requirements. Submit paper in entirety with each module assignment. Please include all previous sections of your EBP proposal.

Criteria to address as subheadings and as narrative when applying the PARIHS Framework.

  • Stakeholders
    • Who are the stakeholders for your project?
    • Who is your target population?
    • Who do you need to persuade to get this project implemented?
    • Who must know about the project?
    • When do they need to know about it?
    • How will they know?
    • Who is your support team?
  • Organizational fit
    • How is the project congruent with goals, values and mission of the unit?
    • How is the project congruent with goals, values and mission of the system?
    • What similar initiatives and EBP projects have been completed successfully at the agency?
  • Barriers to EBP Implementation with Input from RN facilitator
  • Facilitation Strategies for EBP Implementation with Input from RN facilitator
  • Resources Needed
    • People, equipment, fiscal and other material needed to implement project.
    • How are you securing these resources?
    • Who do you need as a team to get this project implemented successfully?

Narrative synthesis must be 5 -10 pages in length.

Additional Criteria to address in table format:

  • Estimated Timetable Blueprint for Implementation (see table in template)

Note: It would be to your advantage to submit this section as you progress writing the paper to SafeAssign draft areas, to verify the originality report for updates. You must achieve a “matching” score of 34% or less FOR THE MODULE 5 SAFEASSIGN FINAL EBP PAPER

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