2023 You are working in the Emergency Room on the 7 00 am 7 00 pm shift Upon arrival a 27 year old African American male

Nursing 2023 Scenario 1

You are working in the Emergency Room on the 7 00 am 7 00 pm shift Upon arrival a 27 year old African American male 2023 Assignment

You are working in the Emergency Room on the 7:00 am-7:00 pm shift. Upon arrival, a 27-year-old African-American male walked up to you holding his chest, and states: “I can’t breathe, help me”.  His diaphoretic, skin is warm and moist. Respiratory rate is 28 even and slightly labored, heart rate 112 even and regular. Blood pressure is 134/86. Lung sounds have bilateral wheezes.  His last meal was breakfast 30 minutes ago at McDonald’s

  1. Based on his presenting signs, what other questions would you elicit?
  2. How would you demonstrate knowledge of cultural sensitivity/humility in approach to this patient?
  3. What would you assess?
  4. What could be the problem?

this is for a nursing class just please answer all 4 questions based on the above scenario

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