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Advanced Pharmacology (Due 24 Hours) 2025

1) **********minimum 2 full pages (minimum 1 page part 1, minimum 1 page part 2) ( not words)**************************** ( cover or reference page not included) 2)¨**********APA norms (All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs) 3)********** It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign 4) Minimum 4 references not older than 5 years (Only scholarly papers and research or pages from official sources such as CDC, WHO, etc. are accepted) 5) Each answer must be identified according to the question number. Check the list of questions. Your answer should start objectively answering the question Question: 1)………… 2)………… 3)………… Answer: 1)………… 2)………… 3)………… ___________________________________________________________ Part 1: Case Study Mrs. Cason brings her 10-year-old child to the clinic stating my son “just isn’t breathing right, he doesn’t want to play, he just sits on my lap or lays on the couch, and this happens all the time.” Appearance of both mother and child is disheveled. The child’s wheezing can be heard across the room. When asked if her son is better at any certain time of the day the mother responds: “It’s like this all the time and has been for the past year, we just don’t come to the doctor because we don’t have any money.” Mrs. Cason’s son was diagnosed of asthma. 1) Discuss short and long term treatment options for this child, inhaled beta2-adrenergic agonists. Include rationale for your recommendations. 2) What is your educational plan for the child? ________________________________________________________ Part 2: Case: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a U.S. government agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. Its primary role is to protect public health, by ensuring safety and effectiveness of drugs, vaccines, medical devices and food products. There are rigorous steps that may take years, and all these steps must be completed before a drug can be approved. The FDA has made some lifesaving investigational drug therapies available sooner than usual by offering an expedited drug approval process, known as “Fast Track”. 1) Discuss the process and regulations of Fast Track. 2) Identify which medical conditions warrant the use of “Fast Track” drugs.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025