2025 As in all assignments cite your sources in your work and provide

Nursing Discussion 2025

As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below. Post your initial response to one of the scenarios below. Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments Using the University Online Library, the Internet and your textbook, research the causes, symptoms, recommended diagnostic tests, possible treatments, and expected outcomes for disorders in the following systems: Head and neck Oropharynx Eye and the visual system Scenario 1 A 50-year-old woman is admitted with chief complaints of headache and decreased range of motion in her neck. She also complains of vertigo, hearing loss in one ear, profuse sweating, and uncontrollable eye movements. Her past medical history indicates that she was in a motor vehicle accident three days before her admission. What are the possible causes of these symptoms? What specific diagnostic testing would you recommend? Why? What conditions should be ruled out? Why? How would you distinguish between these conditions? Scenario 2 While interviewing and examining a 17-year-old male, you discover a white patch on his buccal mucosa and slanting palpebral fissures in his eyes. He also states during the interview that he plays baseball and is hoping to earn an athletic scholarship to college. What do you suspect? What kind of client teaching is appropriate in this situation? Discuss appropriate educational materials for health promotion and disease prevention When would slanting palpebral fissures be normal? While performing a retinal exam on this patient, you find the margins of the optic disc are blurred and indistinct. What further testing would be required? Why What is the foremost cause of this clinical finding?

Nursing Assignment Help 2025