2025 Communication is a process in which information perception and understanding are transmitted

comment from post 1 2025

Communication is a process in which information, perception, and understanding are transmitted from person to person, as an integral part of any relationship, communication is important to nurses (Huber, 2014). The proper communication can influence decision making. Most importantly, the speaker must know his subject. The speaker must research and bring together a wide range of evidence from several research studies to strengthen the ideas for improvement of patient care. Research findings and ideas must be translated to produce programmatically useful information. For the utilization of findings to be efficient, one must communicate the results through multiple channels to reach the audience and repeat the information multiple times in different ways. The idea is that if you hear the same message a thousand times, then it increases the probability that the sources will be utilized. Persuasive speaking should be used to get the listeners to agree with you. Huber states (2014) “persuasion uses argumentation and appeals to logic”. I feel that using a variety of communication tools helps to get the point across. I like to use power point and I would give a copy of the slides to the audience so they have something to hold in their hands and look at. It also gives them something to take home to enable them to think about the proposal. I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, 150 WORDS NEEDED AND A REFERENCE PLEASE

Nursing Assignment Help 2025