2025 Each student will choose a PICO question on a clinical nursing topic of interest

Hourly rounding in the workplace 2025

Each student will choose a PICO question on a clinical nursing topic of interest and develop a critical appraisal of the literature for application to nursing practice. The PICO question will first be approved by the professor; then 5-8 references will be submitted for review (a minimum of 5 must be peer reviewed research articles from professional nursing journals); followed by individual summaries and critiques of the references; then, submission of the final paper with Professor’s feedback incorporated into the final version. Each student will post a brief summary power point presentation of their findings on the assigned day and respond to classmate remarks. Detailed grading criteria will be provided for the presentation. This 5-6 page paper must be completed in APA format (1” margins, double spaced, 12 font) including a cover page and reference page with a minimum of 5-8 references (not included in page number). No abstract is required. Criteria Possible  Points I. Identified Clinical  Question (PICO) 8 Clinical question was clearly  identified by: a. P roblem 2 b. I ntervention 2 c. C omparison 2 d. O utcome 2 II. Review of Evidence 30 • Identify  scientific evidence to help inform the treatment decision or  intervention to be implemented 15 • Synthesis  of the 5-8 research articles (minimum of 5 from nursing) 15 III. Implication for  Nursing Practice 30 Detail discussion of how these  findings can or should be implemented in your clinical practice or  established as a standard of care: a. Evidence provided to  support decision 5 b. Discuss  or describe the nursing role 5 c. Discuss  patient teaching related to the intervention 5 d. Discuss  how current care would be changed or improved 5 e. Discuss  or explain why this would be good to implement if supported by  evidence. (i.e. decrease hospital stay, decrease use of pain meds) or Discuss  or explain why this would not be good to implement if supported  by evidence. (i.e. too costly, not safe) 5 f. The  need or justification for future research if indicated 5 VI. Quality of Writing 12 1. Organization  & Flow (use of headings) 5 2. Grammar  & spelling 2 3. Proper  sentence structure 2 4. Succinct  & concise (Adhered to page limit; not to exceed 6 pages) 3 V. APA formatting 20 1. Cover  page: Running head; Title, name, & affiliation is centered 1 2. First  page: Title; Page numbering 1 3. Proper  use of APA within text 5 4. Citations  within the body of the paper (references, quotes, author, year) 5 5. Citations  in body of paper matc h reference list, reference list matches  citations in text 1 6. Reference  page: (title centered, hanging indent & spacing) 2 7. Formatting  of references (alphabetical order, author, year, lowercase, italicized, right  type, doi) 5

Nursing Assignment Help 2025