2025 For your final assignment for this project Synthesize and compile all of the previously submitted course project components into a
for phyllis young 2025
For your final assignment for this project: Synthesize and compile all of the previously submitted course project components into a single page paper in which you evaluate and critique the efficacy of health care and nursing policies to ameliorate a health care or nursing problem, drawing from previously submitted assignments. Note : Refer to the assignments you submitted in Units 2, 5, and 8, and be sure to cite yourself when using previous work. Include 5–7 pages, excluding cover page, abstract, table of contents, and reference list. Include a minimum of 10 references; five should be peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last five years. Use APA style and formatting for your paper and citing your references. Use your interpretation of the empirical research and the application of relevant theoretical frameworks and assess the extent to which the policies effectively address the health care and nursing problem. Discuss ethical concerns related to this policy and health care problem as well. Draw some conclusions about the current state of affairs regarding the policy and health care issue, noting gaps in care, ethical issues, and health disparities, based upon your policy analysis and evaluation. Make recommendations for policy changes that would ameliorate the gaps in health care and nursing policy, from an ethics of care perspective, based on your conclusions. Provide rationale, and empirical and theoretical supports for your recommendations. Suggest some methods for creating change within the legislative, judicial, or regulatory processes. Revise all components included in the final paper, based on feedback you receive from your instructor. Include any elements that were not developed in the course project components, but are necessary for the unity and understanding of your project. Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Distinguish the social, historical, and political context of the researched theories and methods found in the literature. 19% Does not distinguish the social, historical, or political context of the research theories and methods found in the literature. Partially distinguishes the social, historical, or political context of the research theories and methods found in the literature. Distinguishes the social, historical, or political context of the research theories and methods found in the literature. Distinguishes the social, historical, or political context of the research theories and methods found in the literature with course concepts. Identify, describe, and discuss policies that define health care and nursing practice with the selected problem. 19% Does not identify, describe, or discuss policies that define health care and nursing practice with the selected problem. Partially identifies, describes, or discusses policies that define health care and nursing practice with the selected problem. Identifies, describes, and discusses policies that define health care and nursing practice with the selected problem. Identifies, describes, and discusses policies that define health care and nursing practice with the selected problem in an integrated manner that explicitly and implicitly ties policy to current practices. Analyze current policies directing care around a selected nursing or health care issue using the ethics of care framework, including the ethical, political, social, and theoretical perspectives that inform the policy. 19% Does not describe current policies directing care around a selected nursing or health care issue using the ethics of care framework, and neglects the ethical, political, social, or theoretical perspectives that inform the policy. Describes current policies directing care around a selected nursing or health care issue, but does not use the ethics of care framework, and neglects or incompletely addresses the ethical, political, social, or theoretical perspectives that inform the policy. Analyzes current policies directing care around a selected nursing or health care issue using the ethics of care framework, including the ethical, political, social, or theoretical perspectives that inform the policy. Draws rational conclusions from an analysis of current policies directing care around a selected nursing or health care issue. Uses the ethics of care framework, and includes all ethical, political, social, or theoretical perspectives that inform the policy. Evaluate the efficacy of health and nursing policies to ameliorate a nursing problem and ethical concerns of care. 19% Does not describe the efficacy of health and nursing policies to ameliorate a nursing problem and ethical concerns of care. Partially describes the efficacy of health and nursing policies to ameliorate a nursing problem and ethical concerns of care. Evaluates the efficacy of health and nursing policies to ameliorate a nursing problem and ethical concerns of care. Analyzes and evaluates the efficacy of health and nursing policies to ameliorate a nursing problem and ethical concerns of care. With support from the theoretical and empirical literature, make recommendations for policy change and strategies for achieving policy change. 19% Does not make recommendations for policy change or strategies for achieving policy change. Makes recommendations for policy change and suggestions of strategies for achieving change, but does not use theoretical and empirical to support the recommendations. With support from the theoretical and empirical literature, makes recommendations for policy change and strategies for achieving policy change. Recommendations for policy change and suggestions of strategies for achieving change are novel and fully supported by the theoretical and empirical literature. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. 5% Does not effectively communicate by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Communicates by integrating research into written documents that lack consistency in APA format, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Effectively communicates by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, as well as the consistent use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional and leader.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025