2025 Hello i need a good and positive comment related with this argument A paragraph with no
[email protected] 2025
Hello i need a good and positive comment related with this argument .A paragraph with no more 90 words. Melissa Ethridge 3 posts Re:Topic 3 DQ 1 Vulnerability is indicating a population or individuals that are more likely for something to happen to them or develop a disease. Such as babies, elderly are more vulnerable to become ill. To be labeled vulnerable the group or person has factors that aggravate their current diagnosis (Maurer & Smith, 2013). A women that is 50 years old that is very inactive and smokes would be at risk for heart disease. The same women that was homeless and had no insurance would be more vulnerable to have poor health status than someone that had insurance or a job to be able to provide income for health care. An at risk population are those such as cancer patients, HIV positive patients and organ transplant patients. They are more at risk of developing further problems down the road. The increased about of risk factors for a person or group in poor health, the more vulnerable they are (Maurer & Smith, 2013). Most babies cannot advocate for themselves because they cannot speak for themselves. Babies need someone to stand up for them and fight for their rights. Babies cannot protect themselves from infections or being exposed. These babies need an adult that knows how to protect the baby and voice opinions on their behalf. An example would be vaccinations. The baby cannot tell the physician that they want the vaccinations that will prevent them from contracting a deadly communicable disease. But health care works can educate that parents and advocate for the babies to have the available vaccines that could save their lives or prevent them from getting ill.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025