2025 Managers in healthcare have a legal and moral obligation to ensure high standards of quality and patient

Quality And Patient Safety Powerpoint 2025

Managers in healthcare have a legal and moral obligation to ensure high standards of quality and patient safety are provided. As a healthcare leader, you are in a prime position to mandate policy, systems, and procedures; and influence organizational climates. Healthcare managers play an essential role in quality of care and patient safety. Indeed, these are of the highest priorities for healthcare managers. You are the director of quality at Trident International Hospital. You have been tasked to create a presentation for a group of healthcare managers at an annual training event. Based on your research, in an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation provide the following: Define quality in relation to internal and external consumers. Explain the role of healthcare leaders in regard to quality and patient safety. Identify 2, 3, or more managerial influences on quality (e.g., driving improvement culture, goal setting, and providing feedback on corrective actions for adverse events, etc.). Compare and contrast Continuous quality improvement (total quality management) and Six Sigma (Lean) approaches to quality improvement. Provide a real-world example in a healthcare organization of where you believe one would be preferable to another. Speaker’s notes are required for each slide. Much of the information presented on the slides should be concise and explained in detail through your speaker’s notes. Assignment Expectations Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support the design of your presentation. Limit your total presentation to a maximum of 15 slides, not including your title or reference slides.

Nursing Assignment Help 2025