2025 Neuropsychology by definition is the study of the relationship between the human brain
Discussion 1 2025
Neuropsychology, by definition, is the study of the relationship between the human brain and human behavior (Jackson & Milberg, 2018). There are many different theories about the relationship between biological, psychological, cognitive, emotional, social, cultural and interpersonal factors influential in psychopathology. Psychopathological development is a process that is formed over the human lifespan. There are many influential pieces of psychopathology—personal experiences across the lifespan influence this developmental process. For example, parents, friends, school relationships, sexual partners are significantly influential in development. (Butcher & Kendall, 2018). Parents play a significant role in the influence of development of their children. This is related to genetic factors, the ability to control children’s exposures and direct interactions with their environment, and choices about environment. These key influential factors will influence a child development across their lifespan. (Barker & Ramchandani, 2017). Biological factors that affect the development of psychopathology are factors with a physical cause. Physical causes include anything that physically plays a role in psychopathology development. A few examples of these include neuroanatomy, genetics, prenatal exposure, and exposure to toxins. Psychological, interpersonal, and emotional factors are related to behavioral, cognitive, and emotional development. Most psychological factors develop and change throughout a person’s life. Different life experiences within a person’s environment include a broad range between having all emotional needs met vs being a victim of abuse. Social and cultural advantages/disparities also are key players in the development of psychopathology. Having access to proper education, health care, safety, and secure surroundings helps solidify development of psychopathology. While not having adequate access to educational opportunities, health care, or a safe environment will affect the plasticity of the developing brain, resulting in changed behavior. Having protective factors in place reassures the human brain and result in the development of psychopathology. Being subjected to positive outside opportunities in many forms assists the development systems, resulting in brain development, positive social behavior, and cultural beliefs. The framework of psychopathology has many implications concerning different origins, assessment processes, levels of classifications, methods of prevention and treatment. (Butcher & Kendall, 2018). Assessing a patient in an evaluation is a crucial diagnostic tool to unlocking the influencing factors of a patient’s developmental process. References Barker, B., Iles, J. E., & Ramchandani, P. G. (2017). Fathers, fathering and child psychopathology. Current Opinion in Psychology , 15 , 87–92. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2017.02.015 Butcher, J. N., & Kendall, P. C. (2018). Introduction to childhood and adolescent psychopathology. In J. N. Butcher & P. C. Kendall (Eds.), APA handbook of psychopathology: Child and adolescent psychopathology., Vol. 2. (pp. 3–14). American Psychological Association. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1037/0000065-001 Jackson, C. E., & Milberg, W. P. (2018). Examination of neurological and neuropsychological features in psychopathology. In J. N. Butcher & J. M. Hooley (Eds.), APA handbook of psychopathology: Psychopathology: Understanding, assessing, and treating adult mental disorders., Vol. 1. (pp. 65–90). American Psychological Association. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1037/0000064-004
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