2025 Nola Pender The Health Promotion Model Your group presentation on the selected nursing theorist

Group 3 Membership And Assigned Theorist: Nola Pender—The Health Promotion Model 2025

Nola Pender—The Health Promotion Model Your group presentation on the selected nursing theorist is due this week and has two parts. By the due date assigned, collaborate with your group members and collate the project-related work that you have done, and submit your group project in the prescribed format as noted below. Your Project Deliverables include the following: Packet of MaterialsA packet of materials should be posted to the Discussion Area for peer critique and submitted to the Submissions Area. The packet should include a detailed outline of the PowerPoint presentation and a one-page summary of each of three relevant articles on or about the theory and at the top of the page should have the complete reference in APA format. It should also include any handouts, such as charts, diagrams, or definitions, which will facilitate understanding of the PowerPoint presentation and the theory itself. Introduction, Conclusion & 3 article summaries

Nursing Assignment Help 2025