2025 Please submit your post work to Canvas within 24 hours of the completion of your VCBC Experience Please refer
Assess the Musculoskeletal system of Tina Jones, a Digital Standardized Patient. Interview and examine the patient, and document your findings 2025
Please submit your post work to Canvas within 24 hours of the completion of your VCBC Experience. Please refer to the Experiential Learning Orientation for further questions and a reminder on how to ensure your assignment is properly saved. Please complete the Concept Notebook (Map) for the concept of Assessment linked to your clients for the day. Concept Notebook Template.docx download 205-225 Concept Notebook Rubric V2.docx download Rubric 205/225 Concept Notebook Rubric 205/225 Concept Notebook RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelated Concept 1 ptsSatisfactoryDocumented at least 2 concepts, related to the client with a detailed explanation of each related concept and how the related concept is impacted by the main concept, and correct APA in-text citations (if used).0.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementDocumented at least 1 concept, 1 concept is related to the client, or only minimal explanation of each related concept and how the related concept is impacted by the main concept, or incorrect APA in-text citations (if used).0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDocumented no related concept, did not relate the concept to the client, no explanation of each related concept and how the related concept is impacted by the main concept, and no APA in-text citations (if used). 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExemplar 1 ptsSatisfactoryDocumented at least 3 Exemplars, related to the client and correct APA in-text citations (if used).0.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementDocumented 1-2 Exemplars, 1-2 concepts are related to the client, or incorrect APA in-text citations (if used).0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDocumented no Exemplars , did not relate the concept to the client and no APA in-text citations (if used). 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssessment 1 ptsSatisfactoryDocumented at least 3 assessments used to find and rule out alterations with the main concept and are all related to the client, a detailed explanation of each assessment and why one would do that assessment relating to the concept, and correct APA in-text citations (if used).0.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementDocumented 1-2 assessments used to find and rule out alterations with the main concept and 1-2 relate to the client, minimal explanation of why one would do that assessment relating to the concept, and incorrect APA in-text citations (if used).0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDocumented no assessments used to find and rule out alterations with the main concept and did not relate to the client, no explanation of why one would do that assessment relating to the concept, and no APA in-text citations (if used). 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLab & Diagnostic 1 ptsSatisfactoryDocumented at least 3 lab or diagnostic test used to find and rule out alterations with the main concept and all related to the client, a detailed explanation of each lab/test and why one would do that lab/test relating to the concept, and correct APA in-text citations (if used).0.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementDocumented 1-2 lab or diagnostic test used to find and rule out alterations with the main concept, 1-2 relate to the client, minimal explanation of each lab/test and why one would do that lab/test relating to the concept, and incorrect APA in-text citations (if used).0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDocumented no lab or diagnostic test used to find and rule out alterations with the main concept and did not relate to the client, no explanation of each lab/test and why one would do that lab/test relating to the concept, and no APA in-text citations (if used). 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInterventions 1 ptsSatisfactoryDocumented at least 3 nursing interventions needed to care for clients with alterations to the main concept and all related to the client, a detailed explanation of each intervention and why one would perform the interventions relating to the concept, and correct APA in-text citations (if used).0.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementDocumented 1-2 nursing interventions needed to care for clients with alterations to the main concept, 1-2 relate to the client, minimal explanation of each intervention and why one would perform the interventions relating to the concept, and incorrect APA in-text citations (if used).0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDocumented no nursing interventions needed to care for clients with alterations to the main concept and did not relate to the client, no explanation of each intervention and why one would perform the interventions relating to the concept, and no APA in-text citations (if used). 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedications 1 ptsSatisfactoryDocumented at least 3 medications administered to clients to treat or prevent alterations to the main concept and all related to the client, a detailed explanation of each medication and why one would administer the medication relating o the concept, and correct APA in-text citations (if used).0.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementDocumented 1-2medications administered to clients to treat or prevent alterations to the main concept, 1-2 relate to the client, minimal explanation of each medication and why one would administer the medication relating to the concept, and incorrect APA in-text citations (if used).0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDocumented no medications administered to clients to treat or prevent alterations to the main concept and did not relate to the client, no explanation of each medication and why one would administer the medication relating to the concept, and no APA in-text citations (if used). 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePotential Complications 1 ptsSatisfactoryDocumented at least 2 potential problems that could occur if alterations to the main concept are not addressed/treated and all related to the client, a detailed explanation of each complication and how it could occur relating to the concept, and correct APA in-text citations (if used).0.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementDocumented 1 potential problem that could occur if alterations to the main concept are not addressed/treated, 1 concept is related to the client, minimal explanation of each complication and how it could occur relating to the concept, and incorrect APA in-text citations (if used).0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDocumented no potential problems that could occur if alterations to the main concept are not addressed/treated, did not relate the concept to the client, no explanation of each complication and how it could occur relating to the concept, and incorrect APA in-text citations (if used). 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCollaborative Care 1 ptsSatisfactoryDocumented at least 1 department/ancillary staff that may be needed to treat clients who have or are at risk for alterations with the main concept and is related to the client, a detailed explanation of each how that department/ancillary staff could assist the client relating to the concept, and correct APA in-text citations (if used).0.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementDocumented at least 1 department/ancillary staff that may be needed to treat clients who have or are at risk for alterations with the main concept and is related to the client, minimal explanation of each how that department/ancillary staff could assist the client relating to the concept, and incorrect APA in-text citations (if used).0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDocumented no department/ancillary staff that may be needed to treat clients who have or are at risk for alterations with the main concept, did not relate the concept to the client, no explanation of each how that department/ancillary staff could assist the client relating to the concept, and no APA in-text citations (if used). 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling and Grammar 1 ptsSatisfactory0- 2 mistakes in spelling or grammar.0.5 ptsNeeds Improvement3 -4 mistakes in spelling or grammar.0 ptsUnsatisfactory5 or more mistakes in spelling or grammar. 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences 1 ptsSatisfactoryCorrect APA references.0.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementIncorrect APA references.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo APA references. 1 pts Total Points: 10 Previous Next
Nursing Assignment Help 2025