2025 Research Proposal Draft write a 5 6 pages paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal This week you
Research Proposal Draft 2025
Research Proposal Draft write a (5–6 pages) paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal. This week you will submit the Literature Review section of your proposal. Each week you have been adding to your growing body of evidence to support your problem and proposed innovation to address the problem. The review of literature is a critical, analytical summary and synthesis of the current knowledge of your research topic. Thus it should compare and relate different theories, findings, etc., rather than just summarize them individually. The following resources will help guide you (in addition to our course textbooks): http://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/ReviewofLiterature.html http://www.duluth.umn.edu/~hrallis/guides/researching/litreview.html http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/literature-reviews/ Writing the Literature Review: Step-by-Step Tutorial for Graduate Students: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IUZWZX4OGI Writing the Literature Review (Part Two): Step-by-Step Tutorial for Graduate Students: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoYpyY9n9YQ Throughout this course you will be developing drafts of various sections of the research proposal that is due in Week 10 . The drafts serve as an opportunity to address feedback from faculty as you prepare the proposal. Please click here to review the research proposal project guidelines and click here to review the required template. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Literature reviewed represents current scholarly literature. 5 Literature reviewed represents a comprehensive review of the research topic. 5 Review of the literature is a critical, analytical summary. 5 Review of the literature illustrates a synthesis of the current knowledge of research topic. 10 Followed APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources. 5 Total: 30
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