2025 The same with different word dont chance the reference thanks Hello i just wanted to add that among the

culture 2025

The same with different word.dont chance the reference.thanks Hello i just wanted to add that among the Iranians several factors are believed to influence health. Among these factors are the Western : I.e. the bio medical concept of disease causation. This is the commonly accepted and co-exist along with any of other attributes of illness. Balance : Similarly, to many cultures they belief that balanced diet is the main contributor of good health. Spiritual /religious : It is believed to originate from punishment from God for sins committed. Gods will ( tagdir ). Supernatural: These are less subscribed to young generation. Muslims think that evil spirits called “jinn” are believed to cause some illnesses associated with mental health problems, while the ‘ zar ’ are believed to be the cause of poor mental health. “The evil eyes” are also believed to put a curse on others by just looking at them. This mostly affect children, and it is associated with physical illness. Additionally, the western medicine is very well accepted and sometimes with the traditional medicine. Moreover, use of herb and natural cures is a tradition extending over years in Iran. Traditional specialist administers herbal potions and bone settings. Iranians also use magico-religious articles and religious rituals such as amulets and blue-glazed faience is commonly in eastern Mediterranean (Unaeze and Perrin, 2000). Jackson, k. (July, 2006) ch.2 For more information about supernatural beliefs and culture in Islam Iranian. Good morning Maria. Very good discussion, I would like to add that Iranian population health care programs in recent years have been highly successful. Malaria has been virtually eliminated, cholera and other waterborne diseases are generally under control, and family planning programs have resulted in dramatic decreases in fertility rates. The infant mortality rate remains somewhat elevated (twenty-nine per thousand) but it has declined significantly over the past twenty years. AIDS figures are suppressed. A folk belief prevalent in Iran revolves around dietary practice. This philosophy tries to maintain balance between the four humors of the body (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) through judicious combinations of foods. Although more sophisticated Iranians use the full range of four humors in their dietary calculations, most adhere to a two-category system: hot and cold. For example, visitors quickly learn that their friends will not allow the simultaneous consumption of watermelon and yogurt (both cold foods), for fear that this combination will cause immediate death. Arjomand, Said Amir. The Shadow of God and the Hidden Imam: Religion, Political Order, and Societal Change in Shi’ite Iran from the Beginning to 1890, 1984.

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