2025 To some people the link between nursing and politics might seem tenuous to some people but to those

COMMENT 2 2025

To some people, the link  between nursing and politics might seem tenuous to some people, but  to those who have put aside their stethoscopes for an office in  their state capitals, the relationship is a natural one. Nurses are  in the unique position of representing the interests of their fellow  nurses and the health care needs of the general public (Larson, J.,  2016). Black was elected to  the House of Representatives in 2010 and represents  Tennessee’s 6th district, comprised of 19 counties across  middle Tennessee. She has been a nurse for more than 40 years and her real-world experiences as a nurse have uniquely  positioned her as a credible and effective leader on health care  policy in Congress. She is focused on fully repealing the  president’s disastrous health care law and advancing true  market-based, patient-centered reforms that will bring down the  rising cost of care by increasing private sector competition and  consumer choice . Black serves as Chairman of the powerful House Budget  Committee and a member of the Ways and Means Committee.  (Blackhouse.gov). She is an advocate of Telehealth and has this to  say about its usefulness. “ Telehealth focuses on  harnessing innovative technology to increase convenience for  patients and caregivers, enhance the quality of care and save both  patients and the Medicare program money. In Tennessee’s rural  communities, the wider offering of telehealth services means more  access to care,”. “For patients in suburban and  urban communities throughout the state, telehealth offers the  benefit of reducing the number of in-person visits to healthcare  providers. As a nurse, I am proud to advance this bill so that  Medicare Advantage plans can offer vital telehealth services as a  basic benefit, rather than a supplemental service for our  seniors.” (Press Release, 2017). It was stated that, under current law, traditional Medical plans  may only cover telehealth services in an extremely limited set of  circumstances, such as when the beneficiary resides in a qualified  rural area and is physically present in a hospital or  physician’s office. The Increasing Telehealth Access to  Medicare Act starts reform with Medicare Advantage, where plans have  an incentive to ensure cost savings. Estimates have calculated  that a telehealth consultation can save the Medicare program $45  versus an in-person visit (Press Release, 2017). She authored the bill on  “Increasing Telehealth Access to Medicare Act (H.R. 3727),  which was unanimously passed in the U.S. House Ways and Means  Committee. This bill will increase access to  telehealth services for Medicare Advantage enrollees and allows  plans to build as a core part of their care model. This congressman  must be very influential for this bill which she presented to have  passed the house. It is very interesting to know that those with  medicare can now have access to telehealth all because of the  influence of this powerful nurse. With this development, more nurses  should be encouraged to join politics as they are better advocate  for the people. I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, 150 WORDS NEEDED AND A REFERENCE PLEASE

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