2025 Topic Autism in the united states The following is a brief outline of what capstone should consist of

Looking ONLY for professional writer for “Capstone Project” NO FIRST TIME capstone writer PLEASE. Prefer from England, America, India, Australia. 2025

Topic: Autism in the united states The following is a brief outline of what capstone should consist of. Title Page (1 page) Abstract (1 page) Dedication (1 page) Acknowledgements (1 page) Table of Contents (1-3 pages) List of Tables (1 page) List of Figures (1 page) Background (5-7 pages total) Introduction paragraph (1/2 page) General Problem Statement (1 page) Specific Problem Statement (1 page) Purpose Statement (1 page) Research Questions (1/2 page) Hypotheses (1/2 page) Definition of terms (if needed) (1/2 page – 2 pages) Literature Review (10-16 pages total; minimum 25 scholarly references) Introduction paragraph (1 page) Concept 1 (3-5 pages) Concept 2 (3-5 pages) Concept 3 (3-5 pages) Method (5-7 pages total) a. Introduction paragraph (1/2 page) Research Method and Design Appropriateness (1 page) Population (1 page) Sampling Frame (1/2 page) Data Collection (1 page) Data Analysis (1 page) Findings (5-7 pages total) Introduction paragraph (1/2 page) Limitations (1 page) Use and Application of Findings (1/2 page) Recommendation 1 (1 page) Recommendation 2 (1 page) Recommendation 3 (1 page) Conclusion (1-2 pages) Reference Page (1+ pages; minimum of 35 scholarly references) Kindly only need professional writer who have already done work with capstone project, as a proof writer have to send me any previous capstone project to make it confirm that he can work on it. its a progressive assigenmnt and I have already worked on background so if you want then I will send that to you then you can start ahead. **NO FIRST TIME CAPSTONE WRITER PLEASE. Below is the manuscript that will help you how to make assignemnt. NO grammar mistake acceptable

Nursing Assignment Help 2025