2025 Type of paperEssay Any Type SubjectHealthcare Number of pages10 Format of citationHarvard Number of

Order 1334443: CASE STUDY- Long Term Condition Management 2025

Type of paperEssay (Any Type) SubjectHealthcare Number of pages10 Format of citationHarvard Number of cited resources20 Type of serviceEditing CASE STUDY- (3000 words) case study: Abdulla is 57 years old and was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes at the age of 42. Recurrent leg ulcers and vascular insufficiency have led to an amputation of his left leg below the knee following several unsuccessful surgeries. He has had a first myocardial infarction at the age of 50 and is still inconvenienced by recurring symptoms of angina requiring nitro-glycerine. Abdulla is compliant with the medication he was prescribed to take daily. He is supported by his wife. He is the owner of a small business for which he does administrative and accounting work. Please read the assessment handbook for the CASE STUDY breakdown and information to include in sections. Moodle Library search to be used for any resources also Link– https://uws-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/search?vid=44PAI_V1&sortby=rank&lang=en_US Username: B00340791 Password: Yetkem96 (Capital Y then lowercase) Harvard Referencing Books Underlined

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