2025 You have made it to Dr Muchmerry s lab hoping to discuss how the conference went but she is

unit 4 2025

You have made it to Dr. Muchmerry’s lab hoping to  discuss how the conference went, but she is not there. You’ve once again found  a note on the lab bench with a request. Good Afternoon, Thank you for your work helping  me to prepare for the conference, it went great. Since I have been back, I  have been working on a post for the school’s Facebook page. Herzing has  asked us to share an interesting piece of information that relates to  chemistry. So, I’ve decided to write a post about acids and bases. – Dr. Ima Name: Date: This week in your chemistry class, you have been introduced to the process of titration. Remember that titration is the process used to determine the unknown concentration of a solution by using the known concentration of another solution. This process uses a buret to measure the volume of titrant that is added to the analyte. Below is a set of measurements that I would like you to solve: How to read a buret: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Asg55fFt4zk Suppose you titrated a sample of NaOH with 0.150 M of HCl. Your starting volume on the burette is 0.00 mL. This is your final reading. How much NaOH was dispensed from the buret? Answer: Suppose you titrated a sample of NaOH with 0.150 M of HCl. Your starting volume on the burette is 0.00 mL. This is your final reading. How much NaOH was dispensed from the buret? Answer: Well done! Now we need to solve for an unknown. For your review, I have included a link to a video for you to review titration and how to solve for an unknown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1XTOsnNlgg Using the information I’ve provided, calculate the molarity of the HCl concentration using the information provided. Here’s the reaction: HCl + NaOH —-> H2O + NaCl Volume of HCl: 20.0 mL Concentration of HCl: UNKNOWN Know concentration of NaOH: 0.100 M Titrate end point or total of NaOH volume dispensed: 48.6mL Answer: From the above information, would you put the HCl solution in the buret or in the Erlenmeyer flask in this titration reaction? Answer: Would you add the indicator, in this case we would use Phenolphthalein, to the HCl or NaOH? Answer: Calculate the molarity of the HCl concentration using the information provided. Here is the reaction: HCl + NaOH —-> H2O + NaCl Volume of HCl: 10.0 mL Concentration of HCl: UNKNOWN Concentration of NaOH: 0.100 M Volume of NaOH dispensed to reach endpoint 12.00 mL Answer: If you walk into any kitchen, bathroom, laundry room or pantry, you are bound to find numerous types of acids and bases. Using the information provided in the chart below, completely fill in the missing pieces of information. ACID/BASE CHEMICAL NAME FORMULA COMMON NAME OR USE HCl Muratic acid NaOH Lye Acetic acid Vinegar Sulfuric acid Auto battery acid Calcium carbonate Calcium found in supplements Al(OH)3 BASE Sodium bicarbonate H2CO3 ACID C16H12O6 Using two outside sources, cited according to APA format, create a (pretend) social media post that addresses how two of the above acids or bases impact the body. Remember, your post needs to be at least 500 words and discuss how an acid and/or a bases impacts the body. For example, you could discuss the role carbonic acid has on your tooth enamel or the role of aluminum hydroxide has on the stomach. I look forward to reading your post. Post: WORD COUNT:

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