3-5 page Psychology essay | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

3-5 page Psychology essay | 2025 Custom Writing

Discuss how some authors have critically established that objectivity, certainty (or “absolute truth”) and individualistic knowledge are simplified and problematic conceptions regarding the production of scientific and casual knowledge.  Take into consideration why this discussion is important in the realm of Psychology and how it opens up new and complex ways of understanding human actions.When elaborating your essay take into account the following:1)There’s three (3) conceptions that need to be critically examined (objectivity, certainty and individualistic knowledge), BUT you can decide to focus on one more than the others (since, as you will notice, the three are inter-related).2)When discussing the case of Psychology, which is mostly discussed in Glasersfeld’s and Gergen’s text, try to elaborate at least one example (either inspired by the texts or one ofthe many that appear in said texts) that show the importance of constructivism (or knowledge as a construction), subjectivity, language-games or, among other things, a psychology that takes into consideration the diversity of human experience.3)You have to make use of at least three (3) of the assigned texts.All assigned texts are attached (all relatively short)


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